CROSSOVER COLOSSEUM is where you go to see your favorite fictional characters punch each other in the face.

 We are a YouTube-based commentary/analysis VS Battle series by the community, for the community.

In each episode, we pit fictional characters against each other to see which one would win in a no-holds-barred fight. Each character is analyzed at the peak of their canonical strength and is compared against their opponent's powers, strength, and weaknesses to determine the winner. 

Each episode features detailed analysis, a full battle animation, and original music.

We use a unique, logic-based ruleset, which helps make our analysis feel fresh and unique from similar channels (And we believe creates more accurate results). Our focus on the community means that all of our fights are chosen by fans and we are constantly interacting with and listening to that community in order to improve the series. 

List of CROSSOVER COLOSSEUM Episodes in Season one